Winawer Praxis—II

This month’s issue of The New Winawer Report, now posted on the tnwr page, returns to the theme of recent games, with three games from the past few months, each featuring lines covered in previous issues.

The first features the Black setup with … Qg8-h7 discussed in the last issue: Iordăchescu–Miedema, Iaşi Open 2014 appeared after the last issue and resulted in a quick White win, providing a convenient test of last issue’s conclusions.

The second features the Ng3-e4-d6 line in the Poisoned Pawn that was previously discussed in issues 3 and 9. In Kidd–Vivante-Sowter, BCCA/BL/Ch13 ICCF corr 2013, Black tried an improvement recommended by Watson and by Berg, and won very soon after.

The third returns to Robert Byrne’s idea h3, g4 and Rb1 in the Poisoned Pawn. Issue 6 discussed what not to do as Black, and the present issue deals instead with how Black should respond, via the game Arcos Facio–Curi Milia, Uruguayan Championship 2014. Black quickly diverged from one approved approach and should have lost, but emerged triumphant in a roller-coaster game.

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