A norm event was held alongside the Glorney Gilbert events, held near Dundalk, in July.
The tournament was won by the young Icelandic player Vignir Vatnar Stéfansson, who recorded his first IM norm in the process. The event also resulted in a WIM norm for the even younger Irish player Trisha Kanyamarala. Congratulations to both players!
Well done also to the organisers, of course. While there are no guarantees in these matters, and it would always be unfair to blame the organisers if no norm resulted from such an event, they deserve some reflected credit when it all goes well.
The crucial game for the winner came on the last day, when he still needed 1½/2. In the morning game he had White against Darragh Moran. With a 400+ point rating advantage, he must have been confident, but as it happened he could have had to struggle to hold the game.

17… ?
The diagram shows the position after Stéfansson’s 17. g4!. How would you respond?
[Click to reply the full game.]
A full report has been added to the tournament pages here.