John Saunders’ BritBase site has a newly added collection of Murray Chandler’s games 1973-1989, featuring 1,594 games played during those years. This includes several hundred new games keyed in from scans of scoresheets provided by Chandler, as well as additional auxiliary information on many of the others.
Chandler has a Facebook autobiography, open to all, chronicling his career via photographs, scoresheets, press clippings, and other images, covering these years.
Murray Chandler visited Ireland in January 1984 and gave four simuls in as many days, at Dundrum, Trinity, Skerries, and U.C.C., playing about 115 games in all (newspaper reports varied), drawing about 9, and losing 3, to Brian MacRéamoinn, John Delaney, and Jim Cheasty.
His game against Jonathan O’Connor in the Trinity simul is included in a collection of 385 of Jonathan’s games he sent me several years ago.

32… ?
This was a missed opportunity. Jonathan built up a winning position, but from the diagram he erred with 32… Be3+??. The game score now continues 33. Kh1 1-0, but this must be wrong: Black would then have a simple mate in two. Instead 33. Nxe3 leaves Black with nothing.
Instead 32… Bh2+! would have won, since after 33. Kxh2 Qf2, Black covers a7.
[Click to replay the full game.]
The available details on the full tour have been added to the Simuls page here.
I do remember being gutted that I had lost this game. Chandler, despite my failure to win, awarded the best game prize for it. Maybe Chandler did play 33.Ne3, and I must have missed that, but wrote down Kh1 as that was what I expected. Up to 32…Be3+ I think I played excellently. Definitely one of my better games.