Title norms

The page here on FIDE title norms by Irish players, and progress of Irish players towards titles, has been updated. There has been so much activity on this front that it has been hard to keep up, and the update includes all of Tarun Kanyamarala’s norms and his application for the IM title, Conor Murphy’s GM norm at the Olympiad, Tom O’Gorman’s norm at the European Individual Championship in March, and Alice O’Gorman’s qualification for a direct WFM title at the Women’s Olympiad.

The norms now cover 2007 onwards. More detail has been added to descriptions of norms, and links to the applicable FIDE rules over the years have been added.

Where possible, links to certificates of title results and title applications have been added. This is not as straightforward as it was until relatively recently: FIDE now provides links to norms and applications from the FIDE titles page only for a limited time before and after a pending application, though often/usually the link to the norm or application itself is still active.

Corrections are welcome, as always.

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One Response to Title norms

  1. Martin Crichton says:

    Tarun Kanyamarala has just been confirmed as an IM…..This must be a record for Ireland’s youngest ever IM by a number of years.. I understand he is still only 17? or just turned 18? born 2004.

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