Ireland has a new IM: Dmitriy Kushko, born 2004, has switched his registration from Ukraine to Ireland. Belated congratulations!
A Connaught Telegraph profile from March 2023 says that he is from Kharkiv, and had arrived in Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo in May 2022.
I had not heard that this transfer was underway, and only noticed his entry for the Irish Championship earlier today, which prompted me to check his eligibility. With this FIDE transfer, he is certainly eligible to play, but will he be eligible for the title of Irish champion? The last AGM added new requirements. He will be eligible for the title if he becomes a citizen of the Republic of Ireland before the event, but not otherwise, and indeed might not be eligible for the title even next year, as I think the registration transfer occurred after the beginning of this year. [Update: he won the Irish New Year IM Morm event earlier a little over a week ago—quite convincingly—and was registered as Ukraine for that event.]
In any case, Ireland gains a very strong player. He earned the IM title in 2023, having recorded four norms and crossed 2400 in the June 2023 list. He is currently rated 2449 FIDE, his highest rating ever, so will move into fifth place in the all-time list of peak ratings of Irish players, when the list is updated.
[Update, March 5, 2025: The date of the transfer was January 8, according to the (new?) FIDE Transfers page.]