[Event "Ennis Shield 2024-25"] [Site "Skerries IRL"] [Date "2025.01.28"] [Round "7.2"] [White "Pawlowski, Grzegorz"] [Black "Killane, Jack"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteTeam "Skerries"] [BlackTeam "Knights of Eanna / Rathmines"] [WhiteElo "1852"] [BlackElo "1822"] [WhiteICU "1816"] [BlackICU "1813"] [WhiteClub "Skerries"] [BlackClub "Knights of Eanna / Rathmines"] [WhiteNationality "IRL"] [BlackNationality "IRL"] [WhiteFideId "2511576"] [BlackFideId "2500949"] [PlyCount "51"] [ECO "C69"] [Opening "Ruy Lopez"] [Variation "exchange, Gligoric variation"] [EventDate "2024.09.14"] [EventType "team"] [TimeControl "4500+30"] [URL "https://www.irlchess.com/games_archive/sundry_files_2025-01/pawlowski-killane-ennis-2025.htm"] [LastModified "Tue Jan 28 17:13:39 2025"] { Event information: Match scorecard and event table, ChessLeague.net. } 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O f6 6. d4 Bg4 7. c3 Bd6 8. h3 Bh5 9. Be3 Ne7 10. Nbd2 Bf7 11. Re1 Ng6 12. Qe2 O-O 13. Nc4 Re8 14. dxe5 Nxe5 15. Ncxe5 Bxe5 16. Nxe5 Rxe5 17. Bf4 Re6 18. Bg3 Qe7 19. f3 Re8 20. Qf2 b6 21. Qf1 b5 22. Rad1 g5 23. Qd3 Bg6 24. Qd7 f5 25. Qxe7 R8xe7 26. exf5 1/2-1/2