[Event "Irish 65+ Championship 2025"]
[Site "Dublin IRL"]
[Date "2025.01.04"]
[Round "4.14"]
[White "Burniston, Michael"]
[Black "Fitzpatrick, Kevin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1684"]
[BlackElo "1629"]
[WhiteICU "1708"]
[BlackICU "1597"]
[WhiteClub "Unaffiliated"]
[BlackClub "Galway"]
[WhiteNationality "IRL"]
[BlackNationality "IRL"]
[WhiteFideId "2500582"]
[BlackFideId "2505886"]
[PlyCount "57"]
[ECO "D31"]
[Opening "QGD"]
[Variation "3.Nc3"]
[FIDETournamentId "403262"]
[ChessResultsKey "1093553"]
[Venue "Talbot Hotel Stillorgan"]
[EventDate "2025.01.02"]
[Annotator "Michael Burniston"]
[URL "https://www.irlchess.com/irish65plus2025_allfiles/games_irish65plus2025/g67.htm"]
[LastModified "Wed Jan 15 00:28:17 2025"]
{ Source: Queen Sac Game.doc, Michael
Burniston, January 9, 2025. } { Annotator: Michael Burniston (see Source).
} { Event information: Tournament
report. }
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 f5 { This move surprised me as I was expecting
Bb4. I usually play the Staunton Gambit when facing the Dutch Defence but
Kevin's move order had prevented that. So I decided to simply develop my
pieces and await developments. } 4. Nf3 c6 5. e3 Nf6 6. Be2 Bd6 { I didn't
like this Bishop bearing down on h2 so decided to discourage it. } 7. Ne5
O-O 8. cxd5 exd5 9. O-O Qe8 10. f4 { Supporting my Knight and hoping to
close the light squared Bishop's diagonal. } 10... Nbd7 11. Bd2 { Heading
for f2 to support the backward e pawn. } 11... Ne4 12. Nxe4 { Sorry, you're
definitely not a welcome visitor! } 12... fxe4 13. Be1 Bc7 14. g4 { I took
a deep breath before playing this move, but I wanted to grab some of that
wide open space on the kingside while two of Black's pieces were still at
home. } 14... Nxe5 15. dxe5 { My position looked somewhat better now with a
supported passed pawn and two good bishops. } 15... Bb6 16. Bf2 Bc5 17. Kh1
{ Making the King a little safer and clearing space for the f1 Rook. }
17... Qe6 18. Rg1 Bb6 19. Rg2 { I had vague plans for doubling my Rooks
behind the advanced pawns. } 19... Qe7 20. Rc1 Kf7 21. Rc3 { Change of
plan! Black's King seemed to want to wander over to the queenside. Bh4
would discourage that so I had to protect the e3 pawn another way. } 21...
Ke8 22. Bg3 Qf7 { This clears the way for Bh4, but why not shut out Black's
Bishop first? } ({ [RR ?; this is the losing move. } 22... g6 $14 {
leaves Black well in the game.] }) 23. f5 Qg8 24. e6 Ke7 25. Bh4+ Ke8 {
Black's last seven moves have been of King and Queen while two queenside
pieces are still at home having a chat. It must be time to attack. } ({ If
} 25... Kd6 { , which would have been safer, I'd planned } 26. Qe1 { - g3.
To avoid mate Black would have had to play e4 or c4 when surely I'd be able
to strip away the pawns and finish off the King. After Ke8, and a careful
check that I wasn't making a dreadful blunder, I played - }) 26. Qxd5 $3 {
Sorry about the immodesty, but I do think it's justified. After this move I
couldn't bear to watch and left the playing hall for some fresh air. I was
sure that Kevin would see that cxd5 led to Bb5+ with mate next move, but
what would he play instead? Bxe6 loses a piece and the mate threat is still
there. He chose - } 26... g5 27. fxg6 Qxg6 { Perhaps he hoped I'd forget
the en passant rule? } 28. Rxc6 $3 Qh6 { White has put two major pieces en
prise, neither of which could be taken as either capture led to an
immediate mate. } 29. Rxc8+ { Black's light squared Bishop dies in his bed
and this third sacrifice proves too much. It's mate next move on d7 so
Black grinned and shook hands. } 1-0