[Event "Irish Championship 2024"] [Site "Dublin IRL"] [Date "2024.08.04"] [Round "2.21"] [White "Cafolla, Peter"] [Black "Murchadha, Oissine"] [Result "1-0"] [BlackTitle "CM"] [WhiteElo "1908"] [BlackElo "1957"] [WhiteICU "1915"] [BlackICU "1969"] [WhiteClub "Knights of Eanna / Rathmines"] [BlackClub "Galway"] [WhiteNationality "IRL"] [BlackNationality "IRL"] [WhiteFideId "2500884"] [BlackFideId "2503603"] [PlyCount "51"] [ECO "C45"] [Opening "Scotch"] [Variation "Schmidt variation"] [Venue "Talbot Hotel Stillorgan"] [EventDate "2024.08.03"] [BlackFullName "Murchadha, Oissíne"] [URL "https://www.irlchess.com/irlch2024_allfiles/games_irlch2024/g47.htm"] [LastModified "Mon Aug 26 10:27:59 2024"] { Event information: Tournament report. } { Reference: Post, Alexander Baburin Facebook page, August 25, 2024. } 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 8. exd5 O-O 9. dxc6 Re8+ 10. Be3 Bxc3+ 11. bxc3 Ng4 12. Be2 Qh4 13. g3 Qh3 14. Qd4 Qg2 15. O-O-O Nxe3 16. Qxe3 Bg4 17. Bxg4 Rxe3 18. fxe3 Qxc6 19. Rhe1 Qxc3 20. e4 Qa1+ 21. Kd2 Qd4+ 22. Kc1 Qa1+ 23. Kd2 Qxa2 24. Ra1 { “Black to play and to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!”, Alexander Baburin, Facebook post, August 25, 2024. } 24... Rd8+ $4 (24... Qc4 $19) 25. Kc3 Rd3+ 26. Kxd3 1-0