
Enter one or more search terms, without quotation marks, or simply leave blank to see all indexed games. Multiple search terms may also be included within quotation marks: for example “O’Gorman, Tom” “Irish Championship 2020”

As of December 2024, quotation marks may be used for a subset of the search terms, and are not required for all.

A link to download a pgn file corresponding to the results of any search is included in the results page.

A pgn version of the game is given in each .htm file, in a comment at the end of the page. It suffices to right click the .htm file, select Page Source, cut and paste the pgn into a plain text editor (Notepad or Notepad++), and save as .pgn.

You can also download all games in pgn format:

Full format: irlchess-allgames-20250303-Mon-174421.pgn (38,360 games (33,634 excluding blanks); 47.79 MB)
Short format: irlchess-allgames-20250303-Mon-174421-short.pgn (35.31 MB)
(each compiled March 4, 2025)

Note: sundry games, uploaded since the compilation above, may be available by entering the search query -month2025-03 (or other date in the same format). (This does not necessarily include all added games, as some newly added games may appear in new or revised tournament reports.)

Last updated March 4, 2025.

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