1. Ra7+ Kg8 2. Kd5 Rc3 3. Ra8+ Kh7 4. a6 Ra3 5. Kxc5?
5. Ra7! Ra5
6. Kc4 Kg8
7. f5! 6... Rb5+!=, e.g. 7. Kc7 Rb7+ 8. Kc8 Rf7! (but not the natural 8... Rc7+? 9. Kb8 Rf7 10. Ra7 and White escapes) and now (after 8... Rf7) 9. Rb8 Rc7+! draws immediately, while after 9. Kb8 Rf8+ 10. Ka7 Rf7+ 11. Kb6 Rb7+ the white king will never be able to escape the checks. 9. Rc7 wins. After 9. a8=Q? Rxa8 10. Rxa8 is stalemate, but Black resigned. 1-0 Source(s): YouTube (see Video). Event information: Pairings & results, Chess-Results.com. Video: Never give up in chess! (1m., 2s.), "ChessATC", YouTube, February 8, 2020. |