1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. Nf3 d6 5. h3 Nbd7 6. e4 O-O 7. Be2 e5 8. d5 Nc5 9. Nd2 a5 10. a4 Bd7 11. O-O Ne8 12. Nf3 f5 13. Qc2 f4 14. b3 g5 15. Nh2 Nf6 16. f3 Nh5 17. Bd1 Ng3 18. Rf2 h5 19. Ne2 g4 20. fxg4 hxg4 21. Nxg3 fxg3 22. Rxf8+ Qxf8 23. Nxg4 Bxg4 24. Bxg4 Qf6 25. Be3 Rf8 26. Bf5 Qh4 27. Bxc5 dxc5 28. Rf1 Kh8 29. Qd3 Bh6 30. Rf3 Bf4 31. d6? There appears to be no way for White to convert her advantage, but she certainly stands no worse. The move played should lose. Given the passage of play that follows, it seems probable that time trouble was a major factor. 31... cxd6 32. Qxd6 Rd8 33. Qxc5 Qg5? 34. Kf1= Rd1+ 35. Ke2 Rd2+ 36. Ke1 Qd8 37. Rxf4? 37. Qc8=. 38... Qd3#. 40... Qf1+ and choice of mates next move. 41. Ke1 Rd8 42. Ke2 Qd2+ 43. Kf3 Rd3+? Throwing away the win. 43... Qf4+ 44. Ke2 Rd2+ 45. Ke1 (reaching the position after 41. Ke1) 45... Qf2+ 46. Qxf2 Rxf2 and Black wins easily. 44... Qh6 1-0 Source(s): OlimpBase, contributed by Leszek Wydrowski. Event information: Pairings & results, etc., OlimpBase. |