1. d4 g6 2. c4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. e4 Nd7 5. Nf3 e5 6. Be2 Ne7 7. O-O O-O 8. Be3 Nc6 9. d5 Ne7 10. Nd2 f5 11. f3 f4 12. Bf2 g5 13. b4 b6 14. Qb3 Kh8 15. a4 a5 16. c5 dxc5 17. bxc5 Nxc5 18. Bxc5 bxc5 19. Nc4 Ba6 20. Nxa5 Bxe2 21. Nb7 Qb8 Black offered a draw. 22. Nxe2 Qa7 23. Qb5 34. h4! 34... Bc5 35. h4 Kg7 36. Rb7+ Kg6 37. Kh2 h5 38. hxg5? 38. d6! 38... Ra1! 39. Ne2 Kxg5 40. Rf7?! 40. Rc7=. "White sealed a blunder; 41. Nxf4= or 41. d6 Kh4 42. Rg7 Rd1 43. d7 Bb6=" Ludgate. White offered a draw. The only alternative, and perhaps a better prospect, was 43. Rc1!? Rxe2 44. Rc8, but even here Black seems to be winning, e.g. 44... Re1 45. Rg8+ Kf6 46. Rf8+ Ke7 47. Rc8 Bg3+ 48. Kh3 Rh1+ 49. Kg4 Bf2 50. Rc7+ Kd6 51. Rc6+ Kd7 52. Kf5 Bd4 53. Rh6 Rh2 54. Rg6 h3. Or 44... h3+ 45. Ra2 h3+ 46. Kxh3 Rh1+ 47. Kg2 Rh2+ 48. Kf1 Bd4? '!' Ludgate, but this throws away the win. Black has to play 48... Be3! e.g. 49. Nc3 (after 49. Ra8 g2+ 50. Ke1 Rh1+, the white king can no longer escape to d2) and only now 49... Bd4!. This unnecessary intermediate check allows White to draw immediately. Better 50... Kf6! immediately, transposing to the game (51. f4? Be3!). White could force a draw via 52. f4! exf4 53. Rf8+ Ke5 54. Rf5+ Kxe4 55. Rxf4+ Ke5 56. Rxd4 g1=Q 57. Nxg1 Kxd4 58. Ne2+ Kxd5=. 52... g1=Q 53. Nxg1 Bxg1 54. Re8? This allows the bishop to get to f4. Better 54. Kd3 Bc5 (54... Bf2? 55. f4!=) 55. Rc8 Be7 56. Rc6+, when it's not clear how Black can make progress. 55. Kc3 and it's still not evident that Black is winning. 55... Bf4+ 56. Ke2 Rh2+ 57. Ke1 Rh7 Even the resignation seems premature. Black must now be winning but there is much work to do to prove it. White 3.16; Black 3.24. 0-1 Event information: Tournament report. Note: a newspaper photo shows the game in action after 19... Ba6 (source unknown; via Alan Ludgate). |