1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 c6 5. e4 d6 6. d4 Na6 7. Nge2 Nh6 8. O-O O-O 9. Bg5 Nf7 10. Be3 fxe4 11. Bxe4 Nc7 12. Qb3 Bh3 13. Rfd1 Rb8 14. Nf4 Bg4 15. f3 Bd7 16. h4 b5 17. cxb5 Nxb5 18. Nxb5 Rxb5 19. Qc2 Qb6 20. Rab1 d5 21. a4 Rb3 22. a5 Qb8 23. Bd3 e5 24. dxe5 Nxe5 25. Kg2 Nxd3 26. Nxd3 Re8? 27. Bxa7?! 27. Bf2=. 28. Nc1 28... d4 28... h5! 29... Qd5 30... Rbe3=. White 2.23; Black 2.20. 31. Qxb3+ Qxb3 32. Nxb3 34. a6 34. Rd1 35. a6 White 2.27; Black 2.26. 36. Bh6 36... Bc8? 36... c5=. 37. Rc1? 37. Re1 37... Ba6 37... Rxb2=. 38. Rxc6 Re6 39. Rxa6 Rxa6 40. Bd2? 40. b4 Rf6 40... Kf7?! 40... Re6 White 2.30; Black 2.30. After several twists and turns in time trouble, the players reach a level ending. 41. b4 Sealed move. 41... Re6 42. b5 Re2 43. Bf4 Rb2 44. b6 Ke6 45. Ke1?! 45. Be3!=. Better 47. f4. 47... Rc2 48. Bd4 Kb7 49. f4 Rg2 50. g5 Rh2 51. h5?? 51. Be5 holds: removing the White f- and h-pawns and the Black d-pawn and placing the bishop on d2 gives a drawn ending. 51... gxh5 0-1 Reference(s): "Quiet battle of the board", Cormac MacConnell, Irish Press, July 11, 1978 p. 4 (100-word description of this game). Event information: Tournament report. |