1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. c4 d6 4. Nc3 Nd7 5. Nf3 e5 6. Be2 Ne7 7. h4 exd4 8. Nxd4 Ne5 9. Be3 N7c6 10. Nb3 Be6 11. Nd5 h5 12. f3 a5 13. a4 b6 14. Qd2 Bc8 Black offered a draw. 15. Bg5 f6 16. Be3 Be6 17. O-O-O Kf7 18. Nf4 Qd7 19. Nxe6 Qxe6 20. Nd4 Nxd4 21. Qxd4 Bh6 22. Bxh6 Rxh6 23. f4 Nc6 24. Qd5 Qxd5 25. cxd5 Nb4 26. Bb5 Rg8 27. Rd4 g5 28. hxg5 fxg5 29. g3 gxf4 30. gxf4 White offered a draw. 31... Rg4 32. Rc4 Rxf4 33. Rxc7+ Kf6 33... Na6! , e.g. 34. Rc6 (34. Rc3? Nc5 34. Rc3= Rg4 35. Ke3 Na2 36. Rc2 Rg3+ 37. Kf2 Nb4 38. Rd2 38. Rxh4 Rxh4 39. Kxg3 Rxf4 40. Kxf4 Nxc2=. 38... Rg4 39. Kf3 Rg3+ 40. Kf2 Rg7? Black should take the draw with 40... Rg4. 41. Rh3! Sealed move. 41... Rg4 Black offered a draw. 42. Kf3 Rg1 43. Kf2 Rg4 44. Kf3 Rg1 45. Bc4 Rhg6 46. Rdh2 R1g3+ 47. Kf2 Rxh3 48. Rxh3 Rh6 49. Kf3 55. Kg4 Re7 would be a three-fold repetition. This loses if White follows up correctly. Black had to play 56... Rg4! , and
after 57. Kf5, only then 57... Rg3, e.g. 58. Bf1 Nd3 59. Rxh3 Rxh3 60. Bxh3 Ke7 White: 3.29; Black: 3.27. 57. e5? Sealed move. White could have won via 57. Bf1! , when now 57... Nd3 fails unexpectedly to 58. Rxh3! Rxh3 59. Bxh3 Nxf4 (59... Ke8 60. Bf1 Nc5 61. e5 is also winning for White) 60. Bf1 Nh5+ 61. Kg5 Ng7 62. Kg6 Ne8 63. Kf7 and Black must give up the c-pawn to extract the knight. 57... Rf3 58. Kg5 dxe5 59. fxe5= Nd3 60. Bxd3 Rxd3 61. Rf2? 61. Kf4=. 61... Ke7 62. Kf5 Rxd5 63. Rf3 Rd2 64. Rxh3 Rf2+ 65. Ke4 Rxb2 66. Rh7+ Ke6 67. Rh6+ Kd7 68. Rh7+ Ke6 69. Rh6+ Kd7 70. Rh7+ Kc6 71. Kf5 Rf2+ 72. Ke6 Rf4 White: 4.24; Black: 4.17. Sealed move. 'He took 45 minutes to find the
correct move, e.g. not 74. Kd8 Re4 75. Rxc7+ Kd5 74... Kb5 75. e6 Re4 76. Kd7 a4 77. e7 Rxe7+ 78. Kxe7 White draws by a single tempo; win for Black with the a-pawn on a3 instead. 78... c5 79. Kd7 a3 80. Kc7 c4 81. Rxb6+ White: 5.15; Black: 5.05. The game was resumed on August 14, 15, and 16. 1/2-1/2 Reference(s): Irish Championship 1980, Seán Coffey, IRLchess, September 28, 2020. Event information: Tournament report. Download pgn. |