40... Bd4? It would have been more advisable to simplify via 40... Bxc5 41. Qxe5+ Qg7 42. Qxg7+ Kxg7 43. Rxa6 when White has no realistic chances of winning. Black is one tempo short: 41... a4,
if legal, would be equal. Black had to try 41... Qg6 42. c6 Qxe4 43. Bxe4 “The crucial game between the leaders Kieran Greer and David Smith was adjourned after 41 moves in a level position”, J. J. Walsh, Irish Times, July 9, 1985 p. 8. Did Greer seal a losing move? 44. Rf1 This should throw away the win. Again 45. Rf1 wins easily. 45... Qe3= 46. Bc4 h5 47. Qg2 Kg7?? 47... Bb6 48. Qc6 Bxc7 and White needs to force a draw: 49. Rf1 Rxf1+ 50. Bxf1 a2 51. Qe8+ and draws by perpetual check. 48. c8=Q Rxc8 49. Qb7+ Kh6 50. Qa6+ Kg5 51. h4+ Kg4 52. Qg6+ “The final phase of the game produced tactical opportunities for both players”, J. J. Walsh. 1-0 Annotator(s): J. J. Walsh (see Source). Source(s): Fiacla Fichille, vol. 2, no. 18, July 1985, p. 13. Event information: Tournament report. |