1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 O-O 6. Be3 Nc6 7. Nge2 Rb8 8. Qd2 Re8 9. Bh6 Bh8 10. O-O-O a6 11. Ng3 e5 12. d5 Nd4 13. h4 c5 14. Qf2 b5 15. b3 Bd7 16. Rd2 Qa5 17. Nb1 Bg7 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. h5 Rb7 20. Qe3 Reb8 21. hxg6 fxg6 22. Qg5 bxc4 23. Bxc4 Qb4 24. Rxd4 cxd4 25. f4 Qxc4+ 26. bxc4 Rxb1+ 27. Kc2 R8b2+ 28. Kd3 Rxh1 29. Nxh1 h6 30. Qh4 Bg4 31. fxe5 dxe5 32. Ng3 g5 33. Qh2 Nd7 34. c5 Nxc5+ 35. Kc4 Rc2+ 36. Kb4 Nd3+ 37. Kb3 Rc3+? 37... Bd1! mates quickly: 38. a3 Rc3+ 39. Ka2 Bb3+ 40. Ka1 Rc1#. 38... Kg6=. 39... Rc2 41. Nh5+ 42... d3!=. 43. Kc6 45. Qh5! wins quickly. 45... Kg6 46. f7 Kxf7 47. Qxh6 Rc3+ 48. Kb6? 48. Kd6 48... Nf2? 48... Nc5=. 49. Qh7+ Kf6 50. Qh6+ Kf5 51. Qf8+ Kg4 52. Qxf2 Rxg3 53. a4 d3 54. a5 e4 55. Qd2? 55. Qf1 55... Kf3= 56. Kxa6 Rg2 57. Qd1+ Re2? 57... Kf2=. 58. Kb7? 58. Kb6!! wins. The difference between these moves is not at all obvious. It arises after 58... Kf2 59. Qa1 d2 60. a6 Re1 61. Qb2 Ke3 62. a7 d1=Q 63. a8=Q, when White will be able to escape all checks and win, whereas with the white king at b7 at the end, Black would have a perpetual check starting with 63... Qd5+. 60. a7 Or 60. Qb3 60... Rb2+ 61. Kc6 Ra2 62. Qb1? 62. Qxg4 62... Rxa7 63. Qb6+ e3 64. Qxa7= d2 65. Qd4 g3 66. Qf4+ Ke2 67. Qc4+ Ke1 68. Qb4 e2 69. Qc3 g2 Now 70. Qg3+ should lead to a draw by perpetual check. It's not known whether White resigned in error or lost on time. 0-1 Reference(s): A game in a thousand, Seán Coffey, IRLchess, July 3, 2020. Event information: Tournament report. |