1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Be7 4. d4 d6 5. dxe5 dxe5 “Swapping monarchs now would give White a theoretical edge but Queen-less middle games don't suit Killian's style.” 6. Qe2 Bg4 7. Bb5 Qd6 8. Bxc6+ bxc6 “Recapturing with the Queen would just lose a pawn to Nxe5.” “10... Be6 is probably better to influence the centre.” 11. g4?! “This just drives my Bishop to a better diagonal and weakens Whites K-side.” “As often happens one poor move follows another, Killian maybe hasn't heard that &ldqo;a Knight on the rim is dim”, nevertheless the position is only level.” “Not content with misplacing one Knight he tries to justify it by tying down the other. The problem was that Black could play f5 at any moment.” 13... Qb4+?! “My turn to start messing about. The simple 13... Rd8 gave me a nice += but I wanted to make some room for my Bishop on e7 and consequently my Knight. 14. c3 Qc4 15. Qc2 Rd8 16. Be3 Bc5?? “A really cretinous move made after some shallow analysis of the variations. The move my instinct was roaring at me to play was 16... a5 when Black has the better game.” 17. b3? “Sloppy play by Killian too. 17. Nd2 Qb5 18. a4 Qb6 19. a5 Qb5 20. c4 Qb4 21. Ra4! wins the exchange. I seem to remember Carlsen missing something similar against Howell in Corus this year.” 17... Qb5 18. a4 Qb6 19. a5 Qb5 20. c4 Bb4+ 21. Ke2 “21. Bd2 or 21. Kf1 was better but I guess Killian wanted to keep his rooks connected.” 21... Qa6 “My silly manoeuvres on the Q-side have resulted in my Queen being marginalised but Black is still probably slightly better due to Whites misplaced King and dim Knight.” “22... Bd6 was a better defence.” “Wrong pawn, after 24. gxf6 Bxf6 25. Nxe5 White wins a pawn but Black has enough compensation because of the niggling pin on e5.” “A good move as the idea Rxd8 Nxe5 was in the air for White.” “An excellent sacrifice.” “White blows his big chance. 28. Bxg5! Bh5+ 29. f3 Nf7 30. Bxe7 Kxe7 31. Qb4+! Kf6 32. Rd7 Re8 33. Rxc7 [RR
After 28. Bxg5 Bh5+ 29. f3, 29... Bd6 28... Bh5+? “Now I go wrong again. 28... Bxc4+! 29. bxc4 Qxc4+ 30. Rd3 gxh4 just wins.” “Killian picked up his Queen here to play Qe6 then panicked for some reason (possibly seeing the harmless Rh6) and put it on f5 where it does nothing. If he had played the correct 30. Qe6 I had planned 30... gxh4 31. Rd7 then the amazingly surprising 31... O-O!! when everything holds nicely.” 30... gxh4 31. Rd7 c5 32. Rxe7+ Kxe7 33. Bxc5+ Kd8 34. Qd5+ Ke8 0-1 Annotator(s): Peter Cafolla, Irish Chess Journal, October 2010, pp. 9-10. Event information: Tournament report. |