1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 Nbd7 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 Bb4 7. Bxf6 "The main line is 7. e3 c5 8. Bd3 Qa5 9. Qc2 c4 10. Bf5 O-O 11. O-O Re8." 7... Qxf6 "On this and the next two moves I spent 30 minutes in total. That was reasonable as these moves could shape up the game." 8. e3 c6 9. Bd3 O-O 10. Qc2 g6 11. a3 Bd6 12. O-O Qe7 13. e4 dxe4 14. Nxe4 Nf6 "Black has equalized." 15. Rfe1 Nxe4 16. Rxe4 Qf6 17. Rae1 Bf5 18. Rh4? "White has put his rook in a rather awkward position. Better is 18. R4e3 Bf4 19. Re7 Bg4 20. Qe2 b5! "The fewer pieces are left on the board, the more White will feel that his rook on h4 is misplaced. White should have played" 19. Rd1." 19... Rxe8 20. Kf1 Bxd3+ 21. Qxd3 Qe6 22. g3? "White had to play 22. d5! cxd5 (22... Qxd5?? 23. Rd4) 23. g3." 22... Qd5! 23. Kg2 Bf8 24. a4 b5 25. axb5 cxb5 26. Qc2 a5 27. b3 a4 28. bxa4 b4 29. Rf4 "White
was doomed anyway - 29. a5 b3 30. Qb1 Re2 31. a6 b2 32. a7 Qb7 33. Qa2 Re8 34. Qb1 Ra8 29... b3 30. Qb1 Re2 31. a5 Bh6 32. Rf6 Be3 33. a6 Rxf2+ 34. Kh3 Qh5+ 0-1 Annotator(s): Alexander Baburin, Chess Today CT-219 (6482), 7 August 2018 (excerpted here). Source(s): TWIC 1240. Event information: Tournament report. |