Irish Championship 2019 |
[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Openings | Annotations | Sources ]
Sources | |
FIDE records | Tournament 225954 |
Flyer | The Irish Championships 2019 (5-page pdf) |
ICU web site |
| | Irish Championship (169 games, with engine analysis) |
Live boards | All games were shown on live boards | |
TWIC | TWICs 1291 (scores and places after round 2, 39 games (including one blank)) and 1292 (final places and scores, 131 games) |
Newspapers |
Web |
Twitch | Live commentary was provided on Fiona Steil-Antoni's Twitch channel from round 5 onwards: this was the first time such commentary was provided at an Irish championship. |
Notes | |
Key | In "Pairings & results",
Round 1 bye | Kevin McHugh was listed as an entrant and was paired against Mark Quinn in round 1. He did not play in the event and Quinn was given a bye. |
Olympiad place | The winner was guaranteed an automatic Olympiad place for the 2020 Olympiad. |
Eligibility | Under a motion passed at the 2018 AGM, some players could have the rating requirement ignored provided they were nominated by: a. The ICU Executive (maximum 2 players); or b. The tournament organisers (maximum 1 player). In addition, the Irish Women’s Champion, Irish 50+ and 65+ Champions, and all previous IRL winners of this event were automatically eligible to play in the Irish Championship irrespective of rating. (Cf. Appendix 1 of "Irish Championship: Terms and Conditions".) (This was a significant narrowing of eligibility compared to the 2017 championship.) |
Tie break | "Irish Championship Tie-Break to decide Irish Champion If exactly two players tie, the title shall be awarded to the winner of their individual game, if any. If their individual game was drawn, or if they did not play each other, there shall be a playoff; a 2-game rapid match with each player having one white and one black. A. If three or more players tie, then the title shall be awarded to the player, if any, who achieved a greater score in games amongst the tied players than could be achieved by any other tied player under any set of results of unplayed games. B. If step 2A does not determine a champion, there shall be a playoff 2-game rapid match between the two players (even if one of these players won the individual game between the two) who achieved the highest scores in games amongst the tied players, counting all unplayed games as draws. The time control for these playoff rapid games should be 15 minutes + 10 second increment. Any resulting tie for a place in the playoff match shall be resolved by drawing of lots, or, at the discretion of the arbiter, by blitz games. If the players are still tied following their rapid match, the arbiter may choose to continue the rapid-match for another 2 games (with one white each) or move to blitz games or have a one-game draw-odds rapid game." (This method was adopted for the 2018 championship, based on ICU Executive Committee decision, and subsequently ratified at the 2018 AGM for all Irish championships.) |
Possible tie-breaks | Conor Murphy's up-and-down last round struggle versus Conor O'Donnell looked until very late on like a victory for O'Donnell, which would have led to a 4-way tie for first between these two, Sam Collins, and Alex Lopez. Under the new tie-break rules (see above), there would have been a two-game rapid playoff match between Murphy and O'Donnell. |
Records and near records |
Blunders | The unusual number of blunders throughout the tournament was attributed by some to a "lack of oxygen in the room ... no fresh air at all and despite the high ceilings the air is really stuffy" (Peter Cafolla on The tournament may have been a victim of its success as the numbers playing forced the event to move from the room used the previous year. |
Trophy | The ICU web site has a photo of the prizegiving:![]() The trophy is not the Irish Championship trophy. The official trophy has been stored at Gonzaga College since 2016, and was due to be transported during the championship, but the transfer was derailed due to unrelated emergencies. The trophy in the photo above is a placeholder for photos. |
Ratings |
Versions |
Contributors | Seán Coffey |
IRLchess: Irish chess history & records. |
Version 1.1, published 26 August 2023. Comments/corrections? . |
Download pgn file. |