Irish Championship 2022 |
[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Openings | Annotations | Sources ]
Sources | |
FIDE records | Tournament 293714 |
Flyer | Irish Championship 2022 vers 1 (4-page Word document) (document does not display correctly on some browsers; cf. pdf version) |
ICU web site |
Lichess |
LiveChessCloud | The Irish Championship 2022 (live boards) | |
Newspapers |
Web |
Tweet, Irish Chess Union, July 11, 2022 | |
YouTube |
Notes | |
Key | In "Pairings & results",
Olympiad place | The winner was guaranteed an automatic Olympiad place for the next Olympiad after the 2022 Olympiad. |
Débuts | Ivanov, Keenan, Liu, Mats, and O'Cuilleanain made their Irish championship débuts. |
Eligibility | Under rules approved at the 2018 AGM, some players could have the rating requirement ignored provided they were nominated by: a. The ICU Executive (maximum 2 players); or b. The tournament organisers (maximum 1 player). In addition, the Irish Women’s Champion, Irish 50+ and 65+ Champions, and all previous IRL winners of this event were automatically eligible to play in the Irish Championship irrespective of rating. For this event, the rating requirement was not applied strictly: four players (Goss, Ivanov, Keenan, and Liu) did not qualify by rating. (Murray was added in round 5 as a filler, to avoid assigning byes, in place of Melaugh.) In addition, IRL registration with FIDE was nominally required, but Diana Mats (Ukraine) took part. The ICU Executive later provided an explanation, in repsonse to a question from Joe Ryan: “Reply received from ICU, seems it was not a mistake but intentional, but only to even up the numbers, and on compassionate grounds as the player is a refugee, and after calculation that said player would not influence the tournament winner.” (Comment, Joe Ryan,, January 5, 2023.) |
Tie-break | The tie-break method (see Terms and Conditions) was adopted for the 2018 championship, based on ICU Executive Committee decision, and subsequently ratified at the 2018 AGM for all Irish championships. |
Grading prizes | Grading prizes (for "U2100") were awarded based on how much a player's rating performance exceeded his or her rating (using FIDE ratings throughout). Oisín O'Cuilleanain (255 points greater) won the first prize, and Cathal Keenan (237 points greater) won the second. Keenan and Diane Mats each defaulted in the last round. However, the grading prizes would not have changed under any set of results of their games, if they had played. |
Anomalies | The prizegiving ceremony described Tom O'Gorman as finishing 3rd on tie-break, with Colm Daly fourth, and Conor O'Donnell as finishing 5th on tie-break, with Henry Li 6th. But the tournament terms and conditions specified that all prize money was to be split equally amongst tied players, and specified no tie-break for lower places. |
Ratings |
Versions |
Author | Seán Coffey |
IRLchess: Irish chess history & records. |
Version 1.5, published 7 April 2023. Comments/corrections? Contact us. |
Download pgn file. |