Irish Women's Championship 2021

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | Openings | Annotations | Sources ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

Irish Women's Championship 2021
Dates September 18-19, 2021
City Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Venue The Killeshin Hotel, Dublin Rd, Ballyroan, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 TYW7
Organiser Nandita Kanyamarala
Arbiter Ivan Baburin
Players participating 10
Games played 20
Competition format 4-round Swiss
Eligibility Open to all female players resident in Ireland for at least two years, regardless of rating or nationality, but only players registered as IRL with FIDE were eligible for the title of Irish Women's Champion
Tie break Unknown
Time control All moves in 90 minutes, plus a 35 second increment from move 1
FIDE rated? No
Prizes 1st €300; 2nd 200; 3rd 100; Grading prize (U1600) 75
Entry fee €35 (U18 €25)
Concurrent events None
Games available All 20
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

None available.

Interesting games

         Ferguson, Dayna – O'Gorman, Alice      0-1

         Góra, Antonina – O'Gorman, Alice      ½-½