Games collection

The games page here had not been updated in over a year. Previously the pgn files provided included most games on the site, but far from all, and there was no easy way to generate a full compilation.

The new page provides comprehensive and fully up-to-date pgn files for the entire site. The files will be updated regularly.

The new system has several features that will only interest those who are interested in strict chess historical accuracy. That group definitely forms a small minority of all chess enthusiasts, so please refer to the games page linked above for details.

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William Armstrong B.L.

Up until recently little was known (at least to me) of the donor of the Armstrong Cup. He appears to have been well known as a philanthropist when the cup was donated, and he died in Dublin on August 5, 1899. (Source: Irish Times, (Wednesday) August 9, 1899, p. 1.).

I have found some further information that sheds more light on his life. The Irish Law Times and Solicitors’ Journal, vol. 33, August 12, 1899, p. 333 (available via Google Books) gave the obituary below:


A search with his father’s title (“Serjeant-at-law”) turned up a post on a genealogy site, —by a granddaughter of his cousin (!)—from May 12 this year. And with the date of birth listed by her it was possible to find his baptismal certificate, with date of birth (fourth entry on the page):


The family was living at 9 Lower Dominick Street at the time of his birth.

Obituaries of his father Richard mention that he (the father) was an M.P. for the borough of Sligo “in the Liberal interest” starting in 1865 (Solicitors’ Journal and Reporter, vol. 24, September 4, 1880, p. 821); he retired at the general election of 1868.

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Games, October and November

The games collection here had not been updated for over a month—pressure of work and massive amounts of travel—but now 71 new games have been added: see the November 2014 folder.

These include:
2 Armstrong Cup (from Colm Daly’s site)
1 O’Hanlon Cup (from the St. Benildus C.C. web site—the first O’Hanlon game here)
2 Bodley Cup (1 from Mark Dennehy’s site and 1 from Darko Polimac at
2 Limerick Open (from Colm Daly’s Irish Chess Cogitations blog)
1 Millfield Inernational 2014 (from St. Benildus C.C. site)
8 games of Paul Wallace from the Oslo International 2014 (from TWIC, as are all the following)
10 games of Gavin Wall from 4NCL Rapid events
9 games of Keith Allen from the PokerStars Isle of Man Masters 2014
11 games of Conor O’Donnell and Kevin Singpurwala from the European Youth Boys U16 Championship, Batumi 2014
1 game of Kieran O’Driscoll from the Scarborough Open 2014
22 games from the World Senior 65+ Championship, featuring Tim Harding and Pete Morriss
1 game of Patrick Daly rom the OIBM Bad Weissee Open 2014 (as Black against GM Rogocenzo)
1 game of Sam Collins from the Eliteserien league in Norway.

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“A French Labyrinth”

French Winawer, Labyrinth Variation“A French Labyrinth” was an article by Timman in New in Chess 1997/7, concerning the 13. Qxc3 variation in the (traditional) main line of the Poisoned Pawn. This leads to some of the most complicated and difficult lines in the entire Poisoned Pawn. One of Black’s main defences leads to the diagrammed position, with White to play: White is two pawns up, and has three connected passed pawns already, with a fourth on the way. At first glance Black doesn’t seem to have much compensation; but matters are not at all as easy as that.

The latest issue of The New Winawer Report considers the history and latest developments in the theory of this line. And indeed there are latest developments: the line has received a thorough airing in correspondence play over the last several years, with many new and ingenious ideas. It even seems that a final verdict is now possible on the diagrammed position …

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Karpov-Moles, Groningen 1967-8

In the comments to Walsh-Botvinnik, Martin Crichton mentions a game between Kiernan (presumably Bernard Kernan) and Karpov, when the latter was World Champion. I’m sceptical that such a game exists (I couldn’t find it in any of the normal databases or a half-dozen or so Karpov books) and think Martin might be mixing it up with a game played by another very gifted (and slightly older) Irish player.

I can still remember 39 years ago buying “The Best of Karpov” by Peter Markland (Oxford University Press, 1975) in a Belfast bookshop. A little sticker “Karpov World Champion” had been added to the cover in a cunning ploy to maximise sales. This was a collection of 75 Karpov games, up to his 1974 Candidates final victory over Viktor Korchnoi. Karpov inherited the world title the following year on Fischer’s “abdication”. By a nice coincidence Game 2 in the Markland collection featured a Belfast man, John Moles, and the course of the game bears a similarity to Martin’s description of the “Kernan game.”

The book Martin refers to as Karpov’s “My 500 Best Games” may well be “Karpov’s Collected Games” by David Levy (Robert Hale, 1975). Subtitled “All 530 Available Encounters”, it was clearly a rival to the Markland book and it ended at exactly the same point in chess history. Karpov had a direct involvement in this book too, by making available all his game scores. He also helped choose which of the 530 games should be annotated, some of those by Karpov himself. Fortunately for our understanding of the Moles game, it has the World Champion’s own annotations.

Karpov had chosen the 75 games for inclusion in “The Best of Karpov” but Markland had annotated them. Markland’s introduction to the game had stated:

“This game shows how relentless pursuit of a straightforward and simple plan can produce a win. The white strategy of bombarding the weakened a-pawn cannot satisfactorily be met and although Black appears to have some counterplay this is merely an illusion.”

All 75 games are deeply annotated by Markland and this was not some quick to publication effort to take advantage of Karpov’s status. At the time, I had no reason to doubt Markland’s take on the game. However when I played over the game again all these years later with the benefit of Karpov’s annotations and an engine running in the background, there was a surprising twist in the tale.

Anatoly Karpov-John Moles
European Under 20 Championship 1967-8, Groningen
Final-Group A (Round 2), 3rd January 1968
[Click to play through the full game]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.Qe2 Be7 6.c3 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.a4 Bb7 9.0-0 0-0 10.d3 h6 11.Re1 Nh7 12.d4 Ng5 13.Bxg5 hxg5 14.d5 Na7 15.Rd1 g4 16.Ne1 Bc8 17.axb5 Nxb5 18.Bc4 Bd7 19.Nc2 Qc8 20.Nd2 g6 21.Nb4 Bg5 22.Ra5 Qb7 23.Nb3 Kg7 24.Rda1 f5 25.Nxa6 (Diagram 1)
“White wins a pawn and completely occupies the Q-side. It seems that Black has failed to create any counter chances, but that is only an illusion. Now the game becomes unexpectedly sharp” – Karpov.

After 25.Nxa6

Diagram 1

“Black’s only chance. He sacrifices a piece and gets an ominous attack due to the fact that White’s pieces are tied down” – Karpov.
26.Bxb5 fxe4 27.c4
Markland gives this an exclamation mark. Karpov remarks that this is best and provides an analysis of an alternative variation: 27.Bxd7 Rxf2 28.Qxf2 Be3 29.Qxe3 Qxe3+ 30.Kh1 Rh8 31.Bxg4 Qg3 32.Bh3 Rxh3 33.gxh3 Qf3+ 34.Kg1 Qe3+ 35.Kf1 Qf3+ and draws. If 36.Ke1 e3!
27…Rxf2 28.c5
“Black’s attack is over and best here would be to resign” – Markland. However, this may not be at all correct and possibly Karpov should even has chosen his alternative at move 27.
28…Rxe2 29.cxb6 Be3+
“Now I had to think again” – Karpov.
30.Kh1 (Diagram 2)
Karpov was concerned about being mated playing this move but considered “Black has an excellent position” after the alternative 30.Kf1 Rf2+ 31.Ke1 cxb6 (in fact it’s even worse than that; the engine gives 31…Bxb5 and mate in 8)

After 30.Kh1

Diagram 2

The modern engine again sees more: Karpov had considered the possibility of a mating attack starting with 30…Rh8 and he was going to rely on 31.Bxd7, but after 31…Bf4 32.h3 Rxh3+ 33.gxh3 g3 (Precise move order is important here; Karpov had only considered 33…Rh2+ 34.Kg1 g3 35.Re1 winning for White) 34.Kg1 (the threat was Be3 and Rh2 mate) 34…g2 35.h4 Be3+ 36.Kh2 g1Q+ and Black mates next move.
If Black had gone 30…Rh8 White needed to play 31.Bxe2 when, as Karpov had foreseen, 31…g3 32.h3 Bxh3 33.gxh3 Rxh3+ 34.Kg2 Rh2+ 35.Kxg3 Bf4+ 36.Kg4 Rg2+ 37.Kh3 Rh2+ 38.Kg4 is a perpetual check.
31.b7 Rh8 32.b8Q Rxb8 33.Nxb8
Karpov simply remarks: “White is a rook ahead.” However it appears that things are still not that simple.
33…Bc4 34.R5a3
Probably an error. The engine prefers 34.Na6 assessing it at about -0.5.
It would seem that only here did Moles go wrong. If instead 34…Bxd5 White will still have great difficulty unravelling his pieces. Analysing this position is above my pay grade but the engine is confident that White is at least -2.0.
35.Na5 Rxb8 36.Nxc4 Bd4 37.Rd1 Rb4
Here’s another little surprise. We are following the game score as given in the two books. However many modern websites and databases (e.g. the ICU) give the end of the game as 37…Rb3 (which would give away a Rook) 38.Ne3 Rb5 39.g3 Rc5 40.Kg2 Rb5 41.Rc1. A hat tip to the Kibitzers at
38.Ne3 Rb5 39.g3 Rc5 40.Kg2 Rb5 41.Rc1 1-0

This game must have meant something to Karpov for him to select it twice for particular attention. Maybe it provided one of the building bricks towards a greater understanding of chess on the way to becoming World Champion.

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Walsh-Botvinnik, Munich 1958

It’s a rare honour for any amateur player to play a reigning world champion. How many Irish players can claim this distinction? The number must be very small.

One player who can is J. J. Walsh. And here is the evidence: the scoresheet signed by Botvinnik himself:

Walsh-Botvinnik, Munich Olympiad 1958

Ireland played the USSR in the preliminary rounds of the Munich Olympiad 1958. Botvinnik had regained the world championship title earlier that year, winning his return match against Smyslov. [Click to play through the full game.]

Posted in Games, Photos | 5 Comments

First impressions and second thoughts

The latest issue of The New Winawer Report has now been posted.

The New Winawer Report, issue 20This one concerns the new main line of the Poisoned Pawn, where Black plays … dxc3 instead of … Bd7, and follows with 12. … d4 (diagram). Theory knew of this as far back as 1957, based on the game Kots-Ilivitsky, USSR Championship ½-final, Sverdlovsk 1957, but it did not catch on. But why not? It’s easy to dismiss such anomalies with a shrug and a comment on “the vagaries of fashion”, but I argue it’s worth making a more searching enquiry about what was missed earlier and why.

Apart from such speculations, the issue has a new game that’s missing from all the databases, as far as I can tell, but that pre-dates all known games in this line. It’s even quite a nice win for Black. See Procter-Knibbs, Postal Chess Club All-play-all 1E, 1949.

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Myles na gCopaleen

The last post mentioned that Gerry O’Nolan, member of Dublin C.C. for fifty years, was a brother of the journalist/author Brian O’Nolan, better known as Myles na gCopaleen or Flann O’Brien. As Flann O’Brien he wrote several celebrated novels: At Swim-Two-Birds, The Third Policeman, and The Dalkey Archive. As Myles na gCopaleen he had a long-running column in the Irish Times, Cruiskeen Lawn, a strange mixture of satire and fantasy covering a wide range of stock characters and topics.

He doesn’t seem to have played chess seriously: J. J. Walsh recalls playing one or two offhand games with him, but that’s about it. However chess crops up occasionally in Cruiskeen Lawn. Here is one example. It’s taken from the Irish Times of Saturday, March 25, 1944. And from an actual copy of the newspaper, mind you, which I bought in San Francisco a couple of years ago. It bears the stamp “Office of Strategic Services”: that’s the precursor to the CIA. I wonder what they made of Myles na gCopaleen.

Anyway, on p. 3 we have:

By Myles na gCopaleen

It has been brought to my attention that an unfortunate misprint occurred in the notation of my chess game with Capablanca, recorded in this column a few weeks ago. I give the game again and thank the many anxious souls who have written to me on the matter, wrung up, sent telegrams, and called personally.

White— Black—
M. na gC. Capablanca
1.   P-K4 P-QKt3
2.   B-B4 B-Kt2
3.   P-Q3 P-KB4
4.   P x P B x P
5.   Q-R5 ch. P-Kt3
6.   P x P Kt-KB3
7.   B-7 mate

I would again counsel all serious students of the game to study this great game and commit it to memory. It is among the finer things done in the masterplay of yesterday.

That’s followed by a Keats and Chapman item that I’ve seen in anthologies: “On one occasion he [Chapman] dreamt that he had died and gone to heaven”, if you’re familiar with the genre.

[Click to replay the full game!]

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Gerry O’Nolan

The ICU web site has a recent post discussing the history of Dublin C.C.. The major work on this is of course the outstanding history compiled by Dr. A. A. Luce around 1967, at the time of the club’s centenary. This is now available on the Dublin C.C. web site, and is highly recommended if you haven’t seen it before.

I wasn’t aware until I saw the ICU post, though, that there is an additional document on Dublin C.C.’s site, covering the club history from 1967 to the present day, compiled by Denis Dempsey, very much in the same style as Dr. Luce’s booklet and also highly recommended.

One of the players mentioned in the update is Gerry O’Nolan, a member of the club from (approximately) 1934 to his death in 1984. Though the update doesn’t mention it, I understand he was a brother of Brian O’Nolan, a.k.a. Myles na gCopaleen, a.k.a. Flann O’Brien, the celebrated journalist/author.

The ICU games archive has none of his games, and I have never seen any anywhere else either. However we can now rectify this gap with two games, both of which featured O’Nolan with the Black pieces against J. J. Walsh. Both games are from a scorebook of 100 of J. J. Walsh’s games from 1949 to 1961, which J. J. has kindly lent me.

In Walsh-O’Nolan, Club tournament 1951, Black dropped a pawn early in the opening and White had no difficulties converting. (It’s not clear which club this was. J. J. switched from Eogahn Ruadh to Clontarf in 1951, and did not join Dublin until 1957.)

Walsh-O'Nolan, Leinster ch 1954The second game is from the 1954 Leinster championship, the first of two occasions on which J. J. won the championship. In round 5, a Trompowsky led to the diagrammed position with Black to move. J. J.’s notes point out that 13 … 0-0 loses quickly to 14. Bxd6 Bxd6 15. e5 Be7 16. Rh3, while 13. … 0-0-0 is met by 14. b4 with an attack. In the game, O’Nolan tried 13. … g5, but after 14. Bxd6 Bxd6 15. e5 Be7 16. Rh3 Qg4 17. Rh6 with h3 to follow, the black queen had to be given up.

Does anyone know of any other games of Gerry O’Nolan, and in particular any wins?

Posted in Games, Players | 2 Comments

An Armstrong Cup record?

In the last post I mentioned that the 1984-85 season has been up to now one of the most mysterious of all Armstrong seasons. David McAlister’s full roll of honour at contains only the name of Dundrum as the winning team—and even there his only source was myself. I played on that team but had only the haziest of recollections of the season. No reports appeared in Fiacla Fichille, and none in the Irish Times either. Even J.J. Walsh’s scorebooks, an invaluable resource for virtually any other season from 1951 to his retirement, showed nothing for 1984-85: he seems to have taken a break from the game for that one season.

So it was quite a find when John Gibson produced the full set of player cards for that season. With these, the full winning team in board order, and including everyone who played any games that season, was Seán Coffey, Kevin McHugh, John Griffin, Eric McMahon, Brian MacRéamoinn, Brendan Lyons, David Drakeford (capt.), Ivan Gormally, and Paul Fallon.

Our captain David Drakeford had a particularly good season. Here’s his player card:

David Drakeford Armstrong Cup record 1985

So that’s 10/10. Furthermore, this was in the brief era when the Armstrong was held in two stages: two qualifying groups of six teams, followed by a championship section of six teams and a relegation section of six teams. The championship section thus formed a sort of ‘super-Armstrong’ and made very high scores even harder to achieve.

10/10 scores in the Armstrong must be rare. But there’s another unusual aspect to the team’s record, for which David as captain deserves credit: the winning squad used a total of 9 players all season, and even then the reserve Paul Fallon played only two games. And in addition the team conceded no walkovers or defaults. This must also be a candidate for an all-time record for the Armstrong.

Posted in Armstrong Cup, Players | 4 Comments