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Ní Mhuireagáin, Eibhia   –   Khanzharov, Edward
1633 (1625) (1440)
A11 Sligo Spring Tournament Championship 2023 (4.12) 2023.02.05

1. c4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Nc3 Nc6 5. d4 Bf5 6. Qb3

I felt that Black should have pkayed Nf6 before taking out this bishop, d5 and b7 are double attacked and it is hard to defend both. If Nf6 was played first, the e5 pawn would be looked after

6... e6 7. Qxb7

Taking on this pawn with the queen is always a bit scary, chances are the queen can end up either out of the game, potentially trapped or you just ed uo osing so much time moving the queen around that you end up behind in development. But since the knight on c6 is undefended, I felt this ocud only be good for me

7... Nb4

I was expecting Ne7, I would have had to be careful of my queen and play accuratly but with this I knew I had to have something really nice

8. Ne5

I decided to play this instead of e4 as it looked more decisive, I am threatening mate in 1 and no matter what balcks king is getting hunted

8. e4 I was considering this too 8... dxe4 9. Bb5+ Nc6 10. Bxc6+ would've been nice

8... Bg6 9. Qb5+ Ke7 10. Qxb4+ Kf6 11. Qb7 Rc8 12. h4

threatening Bg5

12... h6

12... Rc7 13. Bg5+ Kf5 14. g4# This would've been nice, very pretty

13. Ng4+ Kf5 14. e4+ Kxg4 15. Be2#



Annotator(s): Eibhia Ní Mhuireagáin.

Source(s): Eibhia Ni Mhuireagain, via Craig DuBose; Lichess (https://lichess.org/study/4ZfycwF1/TAIZXYQl).

Event information: Tournament report.