This page lists FIDE titles, title norms and other title milestones achieved by Irish players, and norms achieved in Irish events (non-Irish players shown in italics) (list covers 2004 onwards, with sporadic coverage before that), plus progress of Irish players towards titles. The titles covered are FM / WFM and above.
- 1992
- Daire McMahon (profile). Reached rating (2300+) required for FM title (2335 in July 1992 list). Title awarded circa September 2011 (Daire McMahon FM, Mark Orr, ICU web site, September 11, 2011). Cf. comment by Martin Crichton, April 15, 2018 on Norms and titles post, July 5, 2013 (McMahon had ICU apply for FM title in 2011 based on his rating in the early 1990s.) Note that the requirements for FM after 1998, and current in October 2002, based on rating were “A rating of at least 2300 after the player has played at least 24 rated games” (1.31), but McMahon never had a published rating of 2300 after 24 games (history to October 2001). The requirements approved in 2004 required only reaching a published rating of 2300, with no requirement for number of rated games. (This was further changed in 2017 to require 30 rated games.) Though the rules in 1992 are not available, it seems possible that McMahon did not qualify for the title at the time, but did under the modified rules approved in 2004.
- 1994
- Andrew Philip Smith (profile). Reached rating (2300+) for FM title (possible extra requirements of published rating, and having played 24 rated games, met) (2305, January 1994 list) (history to October 2001)). Title recorded in January 1994 list.
- 1997
- Colm Daly (profile). IM norm (first). European Team Championship 1997, Pula CRO, May 5-15, 1997 (link via the Wayback Machine). 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- 2002
- Sam Collins (profile). Reached rating (2300+) for FM title, having played 24 rated games (2313, July 2002 list). Title recorded in July 2003 list.
- 2004
- Colm Daly (profile). IM norm (second). 4th Bangkok Chess Club Open, Bangkok THA, May 29-June 2, 2004 (link via the Wayback Machine). 9 games. Satisfies the requirement (subsequently introduced, effective for applications containing a norm not achieved before June 30, 2022) of at least one norm from an individual Swiss in which each round has at least 40 players with average rating of 2000) (full results, tournament web site (via the Wayback Machine)). Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- Alex Lopez (profile). IM norm (first). V. Abierto Vila de Padrón, Padrón ESP, August 20-28, 2004. 9 games. Certificate of title result not available.
- Sam Collins (profile). IM direct title result (13 game IM result in the Olympiad: 8½/13, Calvià Olympiad 2006, ESP, October 14-30, 2004 (record)).
- Hannah Lowry-O’Reilly (profile). WFM direct title result (66⅔% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 7/10, at Calvià Women’s Olympiad 2006, ESP, October 14-30, 2004 (record)). Last game not needed.
- 2005
- Removal of Olympiad direct title path: the 2004 revision to the Title Regulations removed sections 1.19 (“One 13-game GM result in the Olympiad will lead to the award of the full title”, 1.28 (same, for IM), 1.47 (WGM), and 1.58 (WIM), which had been added by the FIDE General Assembly in 1993. The 2006 Olympiad had 13 rounds, instead of the 14 that had applied for several Olympiads up to then, and subsequent Olympiads have had 11 rounds.
- Brian Kelly (profile). Reached rating (2500+) required for GM title (2504 in July 2005 list).
- 2006
- Poornima Menon Jayadev (profile). WFM direct title result (66⅔% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 6/10, and 6/9 excluding last game, at Turin Women’s Olympiad 2006, ITA, May 20-June 4, 2006 (record)). Title recorded as of October 2006 list.
- 2007
- Joe Ryan (profile). IM norm (first). I Tancats Estiu Mataró MI 2007, Mataró ESP, July 23-31, 2007. 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- 2008
- Joe Ryan (profile). IM norm (second). Tancat Foment Martinenc MI 2007, Barcelona ESP, March 16-24, 2008. 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- Sam Collins (profile). GM norm (first). First Saturday GM, Budapest HUN, October 4-13, 2008. 9 games. Satisfies requirement (subsequently introduced, effective July 1, 2013) of at least one norm containing one round per day for at least three rounds. Certificate of title result.
- 2009
- Change in title requirements by rating for FM, WFM, CM, and WCM, from “titles gained by achieving a published rating at some time or other” (FIDE Handbook 2005) to “titles gained by achieving a published or interim rating at some time or other” (regulations valid from July 1, 2009.) (section 1.3 in each case), i.e., adding interim ratings as a way to achieve these titles, effective July 1, 2009. (Note (discrepancy): an archived version of the Handbook, as of May 19, 2010 shows the old version as current on that date.)
- 2010
- Sam Collins (profile). GM norm (second). Arctic Chess Challenge 2010, Tromsø NOR, July 31-August 8, 2010. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Alex Lopez (profile). IM norm (second). Dún Laoghaire Centenary GM 2010, August 21-29, 2010. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Alex Lopez (profile). Reached required rating (2400+) for IM title (2413 in November 2010 FIDE list).
- Alex Lopez (profile). IM norm (third, reaching number of games required, having met rating requirement). London Chess Classic FIDE Open 2010, December 8-15, 2010. 9 games. Certificate of title result. Title application. Title approved at 2nd Quarter Presidential Board Meeting, June 4-7, 2011.
- 2012
- Stephen Brady (profile), FM 1992. Reached rating (2400+) required for IM title (interim rating 2400.9 after round 8 of the Armstrong Cup 2011-12, played on January 23, 2012 (match scorecard) (rating 2383 in January 2012 list, plus 17.9 from first eight rounds of Armstrong Cup, = 2400.9); alternatively interim rating 2407.9 after conclusion of Armstrong Cup on April 1, 2012 (rating 2383 in March 2023 list, plus 24.9 from Armstrong Cup); peak interim rating 2416, after round 6 of the e2e4 Masters 2012, played on April 8, 2012 (rating 2383 in May 2012 list, plus 24.9 from Armstrong Cup 2011-12, plus 8.1 from first 6 rounds of e2e4 Masters 2012, = 2416); cf. Calculations, May 2012, FIDE ratings web pages.
- Ryan-Rhys Griffiths (profile). IM norm (first). 4NCL Division 1 2012-13, England (various sites) (team: Barbican 4NCL 1/2). 11 games. Certificate of title result.
- David Fitzsimons (profile). Reached rating (2300+) required for FM title (interim rating 2300.5 after round 3 of Irish Championship 2012, Dublin, July 7-15, 2012 (rating 2293 in July 2012 list, plus 7.5 from first three rounds, = 2300.5; reached interim rating 2309.5 after round 4; cf. Calculations, August 2012, FIDE ratings web pages)). Title recorded in August 2012 (David Fitzsimons receives FM title, Shane Lee, ICU web site, August 9, 2012).
- Monika Gedvilaite (profile). WFM direct title result (65% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 7/9 at Istanbul Women’s Olympiad 2012, August 28-September 9, 2012 (record)).
- 2013
- New requirement, effective from July 1, 2013: “In the application for the GM title based on norms, at least one norm shall be achieved in a tournament with only one round per day for a minimum of 3 days.”—Handbook (1 July 2013), approved by FIDE General Assembly 2012.
- Ryan-Rhys Griffiths (profile). IM norm (second). Czech Open A 2013, Pardubice CZE. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Stephen Jessel (profile). IM norm (first). Interclubs Adultes – Nationale I 2013-14, France (various sites), October 12, 2013-April 6, 2014. 11 games. Certificate of title result.
- Karina Kruk (later Karina Campbell) (profile). WFM direct title result (65% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 6½/9 at Tromsø Women’s Olympiad 2014, August 1-14, 2014 (record)). Title awarded as of September 2014 list.
- 2015
- Björn Þorfinnsson (Iceland) (profile). GM norm (first). Bunratty Classic 2015, Bunratty, Co. Clare, February 18-22, 2015. 9 games. Norm not yet submitted.
- Justin Tan (Australia) (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games; rating simultaneously reached the required 2400+). Bunratty Classic 2015, Bunratty, Co. Clare, February 18-22, 2015 (see also above). 9 games. IM title application. Note: GM title awarded 2018.
- David Fitzsimons (profile). Achieved rating required for IM title (2400+) on April 4, 2015 (interim rating 2406.4 after round 3 of Southend Congress 2015) (2389 rating in March 2015 list, plus 15.4 from first three rounds of Southend Congress; cf. Calculations, May 2015, FIDE rating web pages).
- Stephen Jessel (profile). IM norm (second). Metz Open A 2015, Metz FRA, April 20-26, 2015. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Karl McPhillips (profile). Reached rating (2300+) required for FM title (rating 2305 in June 2015 list). Title recorded in November 2015 list.
- John L. Hughes (profile). IM norm (first). Badalona International Open 2015, Barcelona ESP, August 2-10, 2015. 9 games. Satisfies the format requirement of Handbook (1 January 2022 and subsequent revisions) B 1.5.6 (individual Swiss in which each round has at least 40 players with average rating of 2000). Norm not yet submitted.
- David Fitzsimons (profile). IM norm (first). 4NCL Division 1 2015-16, England (various sites) (team: Wood Green HK), November 14, 2015-May 2, 2016. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- 2016
- Stephen Jessel (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games). Festival de Meurthe-et-Moselle 2016 – Tournoi B, Meurthe-et-Moselle FRA, February 17-21, 2016. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Joe Ryan (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games). IV Cerrado Internacional U.E. Montcada, Montcada i Reixac ESP, June 25-July 3, 2016. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Stephen Jessel (profile). IM norm (fourth, not required). Interclubs Adultes – National 2 2016-17, France (various sites), October 8, 2016-April 2, 2017. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- David Fitzsimons (profile). IM norm (second). 4NCL Division 1 2016-17, England (various sites) (team: Wood Green HK), November 19, 2016-May 1, 2017. 10 games. Certificate of title result.
- 2017
- New requirement: “For a direct title to be awarded immediately an applicant has to have achieved at some time or other a minimum rating as follows:
- GM 2300 WGM 2100
- IM 2200 WIM 2000
- FM 2100 WFM 1900
- CM 2000 WCM 1800
- If an applicant is rated lower the title is awarded conditionally and will be awarded finally on request by the respective federation as soon as the minimum rating is achieved. Any player with a conditional title may take a lower title when they reach the required rating for that lower title.”—Handbook (1 January 2017).
- Carl Strugnell (Wales) (profile). IM norm (third). Tralee Classic GM Norm 2017, Tralee, Co. Kerry, April 13-17, 2017. 9 games. Norm not yet submitted.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile). Reached rating (2300+) required for FM title (interim rating 2304.6 after round 2 of the Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2017, Ballerup DEN, May 10-14, 2017 (rating 2229 in May 2017 list, plus 31.6 from Armstrong Cup 2016-17 rounds 9-11, plus 12.4 from 4NCL Division 3 North 2016-17 rounds 9-11, plus 31.6 from first two rounds of Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2017, = 2304.6 (cf. Calculations, May 2017, FIDE ratings web pages)). Title recorded in June 2017 list.
- Joe Ryan (profile). IM norm (fourth, not required). XXIX Internacional Vila de Sant Boi – Memorial Mateu Chalmeta – Group A, Sant Boi de Llobregat ESP, April 17-June 16, 2017. 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- Diana Mirza (profile). WFM direct title result (joint first in World Schools Girls U17 Championship, Iaşi ROU, April 21-May 1, 2017 (record)). Title awarded as of June 2017 list.
- Ioana Gelip (profile) transferred from ROU to IRL registration, effective June 2, 2017, and was registered with the WFM title in the June 2017 list. She had reached rating 2100 in December 2013 (2101).
- Conor O’Donnell (profile). Reached rating 2400 (live rating 2401.2 after round 4 of Irish Championship 2017, Ennis, Co. Clare, July 29-August 6, 2017). Calculations, September 2017, FIDE rating web site (2389 on July 2017 list, plus 3.0 from Branagan Cup 2017, plus 9.2 from the first four rounds of Irish Championship 2017, = 2401.2).
- Philip Short (profile (via the Wayback Machine)). IM norm (first). Irish Championship 2017, Ennis, Co. Clare, July 29-August 6, 2017. 9 games. Norm not submitted.
- 2018
- Sam Collins (profile). GM norm (third, reaching required number of games, having met then-current norm format requirements). Irish New Year GM Norm Event 2018, Dublin, January 3-7, 2018. 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- Stephen Jessel (profile). IM norm (fifth; not required). Irish New Year GM Norm Event 2018, Dublin, January 3-7, 2018. 9 games. Norm not yet submitted.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile), FM 2017, transferred from ENG to IRL registration, effective January 24, 2018.
- Alex Lopez (profile). GM norm (first). ICU Easter Festival 2018 GM Norm Event, Dublin, March 28-April 1, 2018. 9 games. Norm not yet submitted.
- Suren Poghosyan (Armenia) (profile). IM norm. ICU Easter Festival 2018 GM Norm Event, Dublin, March 28-April 1, 2018. 9 games. Norm not yet submitted.
- Conor O’Donnell (profile). IM norm (first). ICU Easter Festival 2018 IM Norm Event, Dublin, March 28-April 1, 2018. 9 games; counts as 10 game norm under rule 1.41d (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 July 2017). Norm not yet submitted.
- David Fitzsimons (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games, having met rating requirement). 4NCL Division 1 2017-18, England (various sites) (team: Wood Green HK), November 11, 2017-May 5, 2018. 11 games, counting as 9 game IM norm after removal of rounds 10 and 11 under rule 1.42e (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 July 2017). Certificate of title result. Title application. Title approved at 2nd Quarter Presidential Board Meeting, Bucharest ROU, July 8-11, 2018.
- David Murray (profile). IM norm (first), Irish Championship 2018, Dublin, August 4-12, 2018. 9 games. Satisfies the requirement (subsequently introduced, effective for applications containing a norm not achieved before June 30, 2022) of at least one norm from an event of a number of specified types, including the final stage of a National Championship). Certificate of title result.
- Conor O’Donnell (profile). IM norm (second), Irish IM Norm League 2018, Dublin, August 17-September 15, 2018. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile). IM norm (first), Hastings Masters 2018-19, Hastings ENG, December 28, 2018-January 6, 2019. 10 games. Certificate of title result.
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). WIM norm (first), IIFL Wealth Mumbai Open 2018-19. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- 2019
- Henry Li (profile). Reached rating (2300+) required for FM title, having played enough games (interim rating 2302.6 after round 8 of Armstrong Cup 2018-19, played on February 16, 2019 (match scorecard) (rating 2287 in February 2019 list, plus 15.6 from rounds 7-8 of Armstrong Cup, = 2302.6 (Calculations, March 2019), FIDE rating web pages), having played 30+ rated games; rating 2303 in March 2019 list, after no further games in rating period. Ireland’s newest FM!, John McMorrow, ICU web site, February 16, 2019. Title recorded in March 2019 list.
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). Reached rating (2100+) required for WFM title (2196 in July 2019 list), having played 30 rated games. WFM title recorded as of December 19, 2019 (Post, ICU Facebook page, December 19, 2019).
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). Reached rating (2200+) required for WIM title (2238 in August 2019 list).
- Vignir Vatnar Stefánsson (Iceland) (profile). IM norm (first), Glorney Gilbert IM Norm Event 2019, Dundalk, Co. Louth, August 20-24, 2019. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). WIM norm (second), Glorney Gilbert IM Norm Event 2019, Dundalk, Co. Louth, August 20-24, 2019 (see also above). 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile). IM norm (second, also reaching rating (2400+) required for IM title), 18th Memorial Kesarovski-Stanchev “A” Tournament, Sunny Beach BUL, September 6-15, 2019. 9 games; counts as 10 game norm under rule 1.41d (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 July 2017). Certificate of title result. Rating 2407 in October 2019 list (had reached interim rating 2402.0 after round 6 of this tournament (2363 in September 2019 list, plus 39.0 from first six rounds (Calculations, October 2019, FIDE ratings web pages), but published rating cited in title application).
- 2020
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). WGM norm (first), WIM norm (third, meeting required number of games, having met rating requirement), ICU New Year IM Norm Event 2 2020, Dublin, January 2-6, 2020. 9 games; counts as 10 game WIM norm under rule 1.41d (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 July 2017). Certificate of title result. Title application not available. Title approved at 90th FIDE Congress, February 27-29, 2020.
- 2021
- Conor E. Murphy (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games, having met rating requirement), Muswell Hill IM Norm Event 2021, Newcastle ENG, August 9-13, 2021. 9 games. Certificate of title result. Rating requirement met (October 2019 list: 2407). Title application. Title approved at 2021 3rd FIDE Council, October 27, 2021.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile). GM norm (first), Northumbria Masters GM Event 2021, Newcastle ENG, August 26-30, 2021. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Tarun Kanyamarala (profile). IM norm (first), 1st EJCOA Forest Hill Invitational—IM Norm, Newcastle ENG, October 25-29, 2021. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Tarun Kanyamarala (profile). IM norm (second), 2nd EJCOA Forest Hill Invitational—IM Norm, Newcastle ENG, December 17-21, 2021. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- 2022
- New requirement: “B 1.5.6 Any title application containing a norm not achieved before 30/06/2022 must include at least one norm from an individual Swiss tournament with every round containing at least forty participants whose average rating is at least 2000. For this purpose, players will be counted only if they miss at most one round (excluding pairing allocated byes).”—Handbook (1 January 2022), approved by FIDE Council, October 27, 2021.
- New requirement for WGM title: “B 1.1.3.a “In the application for the GM or WGM title based on norms, at least one norm shall be achieved in a tournament with only one round per day for a minimum of 3 days.”—Handbook (1 January 2022), approved by FIDE Council, October 27, 2021. (Extended requirement introduced for GM titles, effective January 1, 2013, to WGM title.)
- Vignir Vatnar Stefánsson (Iceland) (profile). GM norm (first), Irish New Year GM Norm Event 2022, Dublin, January 2-6, 2022. 9 games. Norm submitted but certificate of title result not available.
- Tarun Kanyamarala (profile). IM norm (third, reaching required number of games, and simultaneously reached rating (2400+) required for IM title (2403 in April 2022 list)), Irish National Team Championship 2022, Dublin, March 16-20, 2022. 9 games; counts as 10 game IM norm under rule 1.4.1d (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 January 2022). Rating 2400+ reached after last rated game in period rated for April 2012 list. Certificate of title result. Title application. Title approved at 2nd FIDE Council Meeting, Chennai IND, August 4, 2022.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile). IM norm (first), European Individual Chess Championship 2022, Terme Čatež SLO, March 27-April 6, 2022. 11 games. Satisfies requirements of Handbook (1 January 2024) B1.5.6 (Swiss event in which each round has at least 40 players with average rating 2000). Certificate of title result.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile), IM 2021. GM norm (second), Chennai Olympiad 2022, July 29-August 9, 2022. 9 games; counts as 10 game GM norm under rule 1.4.1d (FIDE Handbook, version of 1 January 2022). Norm includes one round per day for at least three rounds (Handbook, B1.1.3a). Norm satisfies format requirement of Handbook (1 January 2024) B1.5.6 (Olympiad). Certificate of title result not available.
- Tarun Kanyamarala (profile). IM norm (fourth; not needed), Chennai Olympiad 2022, July 29-August 9, 2022. 10 games. Norm not submitted (achieved after title application submitted, but before title approved).
- Alice O’Gorman (profile). WFM direct title result (65% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 7/9 at Chennai Women’s Olympiad 2022, July 29-August 9, 2022 (record, unofficial list of canadidate WFMs)), having achieved a rating of 1900 (1906, March 2017))). Title requirements met but title not recorded.
- Gordon Freeman (profile). FM direct title result (65% over min. 7 games at Continental Team (or Club): 7/9 at European Club Cup 2022, October 3-9, 2022 (record), having achieved a rating of 2100 (2101, October 2004)). Title awarded as of November 2022 list.
- Colin Menzies (profile). FM direct title result (65% over min. 7 games at Continental Team (or Club): 7/9 at European Club Cup 2022, October 3-9, 2022 (record), having achieved a rating of 2100 (2107, May 2010)). Title awarded as of November 2022 list.
- Rory Quinn (profile). FM direct title result (65% over min. 7 games at Continental Team (or Club): 7/9 at European Club Cup 2022, October 3-9, 2022 (record), having achieved a rating of 2100 (2114, July 2012)). Title awarded as of November 2022 list.
- 2023
- Modified requirement: “B 1.5.6 Any title application containing at least one norm achieved after 30/06/2022 must include at least one norm from one of the following:
- An individual Swiss tournament with every round containing at least forty participants whose average rating is at least 2000. For this purpose, players will be counted only if they miss at most one round (excluding pairing allocated byes)
- The Chess Olympiad
- Tournaments organised under the aegis of GSC that establish direct qualifiers to the FIDE Candidates Tournament
- Tournaments that establish direct qualifiers to the FIDE World Cup
- Individual Tournaments held under the aegis of EVE (Article 1, General Regulations for FIDE Competitions)
- Final Stage of the National Individual Championship
- The tournaments listed in b) to f) include the Men’s (or Open) section and the Women’s section”—Handbook (1 January 2023), approved by FIDE Council, November 25, 2022.
- Zalan Nemeth (profile). Reached live rating 2300+ (rating 2283, March 2023 list, plus 7.80, Armstrong Cup rounds 5-6, plus 12.40, Hungarian Team Championship, Division 1, Maróczy League 2022-23, round 7 (match scorecard; played March 12, 2023) (cf. April 2023 calculations), = 2303.2, having played 30+ games, thus qualifying for FM title)). Title awarded as of May 2023 list.
- Peter Carroll (profile). FM direct title result (65% in min. 7 games at Continental Team (or Club): 5½/7 at European Club Cup, Durrës ALB, October 1-7, 2023 (record), having achieved a rating of 2100 (2100, September 2019 list)). Title awarded as of November 2023 list.
- James Crowley (profile). FM direct title result (65% in min. 7 games at Continental Team (or Club): 5½/7 at European Club Cup, Durrës ALB, October 1-7, 2023 (record), simultaneously reaching rating 2100 (2162, November 2019 list (reached 2111 after round 4 of European Club Cup (cf. Calculations, November 2019, FIDE ratings web pages))). Title awarded as of November 2023 list.
- 2024
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile). WGM norm (second), Kragerø Resort Chess International 2024 Title Group, Kragerø NOR, February 21-25, 2024. 9 games. Satisfies the format requirement of Handbook (2024) B1.5.6 (individual Swiss in which each round has at least 40 players with average rating of 2000 (pairings & results)). Certificate of title result not available.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile). IM norm (second), Sheffield Masters 2024, Sheffield ENG, April 10-14, 2024. 9 games. Certificate of title result.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile). IM norm (third, meeting required number of games, having satisfied rating and norm format requirements), Arona International Festival Masters 2024, Tenerife ESP, June 22-30, 2024. 10 games. Certificate of title result. Title application. Title recorded as of October 10, 2024.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile). IM norm (fourth, not required), Olympiad 2024, Budapest HUN, September 11-22, 2024. 9 games (record). Norm not needed for title application.
- Lara Putar (profile). WFM direct title result (65% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 7/9 at Women’s Olympiad 2024, Budapest HUN, September 11-22, 2024 (record), having achieved a rating of 1900 (1930, September 2020). Title recorded as of October 10, 2024.
- Will Sidney (profile). FM direct title result (65% in min. 7 games: 5/7 at European Club Cup, Vrnjačka Banja SRB, October 20-26, 2024 (record), without having met associated rating requirement (2100+)).
- Oleg Gubanov (profile), IM 2007, transferred from UKR to IRL registration, effective November 29, 2024.
- 2025
- Dmitriy Kushko (profile), IM 2023, transferred from UKR to IRL registration, effective January 8, 2025.
- Zalan Nemeth (profile). IM norm (first), SixDays Budapest January 2025 IM-C, Budapest HUN, January 26-31, 2025. 9 games. Certificate of title result not available.
- Zalan Nemeth (profile). IM norm (second), I. EUTender-Sinus-Sárkány IM-FM tournament IM group 2025, Budapest HUN, February 9-18, 2025. 9 games. Certificate of title result not available.
- Progress of Irish players towards titles:
- GM:
- Alexander Baburin (profile). IM 1990, GM 1996.
- IM:
- Sam Collins (profile), FM 2003, IM 2004. Three GM norms, covering 27 games. Remaining requirement: reach 2500 rating.
- David Fitzsimons (profile), FM 2012, IM 2018.
- Oleg Gubanov (profile), IM 2007.
- Mark Heidenfeld (profile), IM 1998.
- Tarun Kanyamarala (profile), FM 2019. IM 2022.
- Brian Kelly (profile), IM 1998. Two GM norms, covering 18 games; reached rating 2500. Remaining requirement: one GM norm, covering 9 games.
- Dmitriy Kushko (profile), IM 2023.
- Alex Lopez (profile), FM 2006, IM 2011. One GM norm, covering 9 games. Remaining requirements: norms (including one satisfying the format requirement of Handbook (1 January 2024) B 1.5.6, and including one with one round per day for at least three rounds) covering 18 games, reach 2500 rating.
- Conor E. Murphy (profile), FM 2017, IM 2021. Two GM norms, covering 19 games. Remaining requirements: one norm covering 8 games, reach 2500 rating.
- Tom O’Gorman (profile), FM 2017, IM 2024.
- Mark J. L. Orr (profile), FM 1985, IM 1988.
- Mark Quinn (profile), IM 1997.
- Gavin Wall (profile), IM 2003.
- FM:
- Stephen Brady (profile), FM 1992. Reached 2400+. Remaining requirements: norms (including one of a format specified in Handbook (2024) B1.5.6)) covering 27 games.
- Peter Carroll (profile). FM 2023.
- James Crowley (profile), FM 2023.
- Colm Daly (profile), FM 1998. Two IM norms, covering 18 games. Remaining requirements: norm(s) covering 9 games, reach 2400 rating.
- John Delaney (profile), FM 1990. One IM norm (Olympiad) covering 11 games, and counting as 11 or 20 games (rules have changed). Remaining requirements: norm(s) covering either 7 or 16 games, reach 2400 rating.
- Killian Delaney (profile), FM 2020.
- Paul Delaney (profile), FM 1983.
- David Dunne (profile), FM 1983.
- Gordon Freeman (profile), FM 2022.
- Ryan-Rhys Griffiths (profile), FM 2011. Two IM norms, covering 20 games. Remaining requirements: norm(s) (including one of a format specified in Handbook (2024) B1.5.6)) covering 9 games, reach 2400 rating.
- Stephen Jessel (profile), FM 2006. Five IM norms, covering 47 games. Remaining requirement: reach 2400 rating.
- Henry Li (profile), FM 2019.
- Daire McMahon (profile), FM 2011.
- Karl McPhillips (profile), FM 2015.
- Colin Menzies (profile), FM 2022.
- Zalan Nemeth (profile), FM 2023. Two IM norms, covering 18 games. Remaining requirements: norm(s) (including one of a format specified in Handbook (2024) B1.5.6) covering 9 games, reach 2400 rating.
- Kevin J. O’Connell (profile), FM 2006.
- Conor O’Donnell (profile), FM 2015. Two IM norms, counting as 19 games, reached rating 2400. Remaining requirement: norm(s) (including one of a format specified in Handbook (2024) B1.5.6)) covering 8 games.
- Rory Quinn (profile), FM 2022.
- Joe Ryan (profile), FM 2001. Four IM norms, covering 36 games. Remaining requirement: reach 2400 rating.
- Philip Short (1960-2018) (profile (via the Wayback Machine)) (FM 1990) achieved one IM norm, covering 9 games.
- Andrew Philip Smith (profile), FM 1994.
- Kavin Venkatesan (profile), FM 2023.
- FM a.b.c. (all but certificate: players who have reached 2300 rating prior to 1 July 2017)*:
- Pat Carton (profile) (2300, January 1985).
- Tom Clarke (bio) (1959-2007) (2315, January 1985).
- David Cox (profile) (2325, July 1973).
- Paul Henry (profile) (2400, January 1979). Reached rating 2400. Remaining requirements for IM title: norms covering 27 games.
- Bernard Kernan (profile) (2395, January 1979).
- Nick Patterson (profile) (2360, January 1978).
- Conor O’Shaughnessy (profile) (2340, July 1993). One IM norm, covering 11 games. Remaining requirements for IM title: norms covering 16 games, reach rating 2400.
- Other:
- John L. Hughes (profile). One IM norm, covering 9 games. Remaining requirements for IM title: norms covering 18 games, reach 2400 rating.
- David Murray (profile). One IM norm, covering 9 games. Remaining requirements for IM title: norms covering 18 games, reach 2400 rating.
- Will Sidney (profile). FM direct title result. remaining requirements for FM title: reach 2100 rating.
- Women’s titles:
- WGM:
- None.
- WIM:
- Trisha Kanyamarala (profile), WFM 2019, WIM 2020. 2 WGM norms, covering 18 games; reached 2300 rating (live rating 2305.88 after round 7 of New Year Norm Section C (order of events Armstrong Cup round 4-5—New Year Norm Section C—4NCL—Armstrong Cup round 6—Gonzaga Masters)). Remaining requirements for WGM title: norm covering 9 games, with one round per day for at least three rounds.
- WFM:
- Monika Gedvilaite (profile), WFM 2012.
- Ioana Gelip (profile), WFM 2017.
- Karina Campbell (formerly Karina Kruk) (profile), WFM 2014.
- Hannah Lowry-O’Reilly (profile), WFM 2004.
- Poornima Menon Jayadev (profile), WFM 2006.
- Diana Mirza (profile), WFM 2017.
- Lara Putar (profile). WFM 2024.
- WFM a.b.c. (all but certificate: players who have reached 2100 rating prior to 1 July 2017, or who reached 2100 rating after that date and with 30 rated games, or who qualified for a direct title)*:
- Suzanne Connolly (profile) (2105, July 1998).
- Ann Delaney (profile) (2135, January 1987).
- Alice O’Gorman (profile) (direct title result (65% or more over at least 9 games at Women’s Olympiad: 7/9 at Chennai Women’s Olympiad 2022 (record, unofficial list of canadidate WFMs)), having achieved a rating of 1900 (1906, March 2017)).
- Mairéad O’Siochru (profile) (2105, January 1989).
- * Note: From 1 July 2017 to 1 January 2022, the requirement for the title of FM (resp. WFM) by rating was to have achieved a rating at some time or other of 2300 (resp. 2100), “having at that time played at least 30 rated games”. Requirements for the title have varied down the years, but immediately previous rules (1 July 2014 to 30 June 2017) had no requirement on number of games. This did not make it clear whether ratings achieved prior to 1 July 2017 would suffice. From 1 January 2022, the requirement for the title of FM (resp. WFM) is that “Titles may be gained by achieving a published or interim rating at some time (see 1.53a). For ratings achieved after 1st July 2017, the player must at that time have played at least 30 rated games.” This seems to clarify that the players listed as FM a.b.c. and WFM a.b.c. here are eligible for the respective titles.
- References:
- International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission), as approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984 to 1994, 1997 and 1998, FIDE Handbook, as of November 20, 2002 (via the Wayback Machine)
- International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission) as approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984 to 2004, FIDE Handbook, as of May 28, 2009 (via the Wayback Machine)
- International Title Regulations of FIDE as approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984, valid from 1.7.2009
- International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission) as approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984 to 2008, FIDE Handbook, as of May 1, 2012 (via the Wayback Machine)
- International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission) as approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984 to 2011, FIDE Handbook, as of February 4, 2013 (via the Wayback Machine)
- International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission), (FIDE title regulations effective from 1 July 2013, FIDE title regulations valid until 30 June 2013, Table for direct titles effective from 1 July 2013), FIDE Handbook, as of February 19, 2014 (via the Wayback Machine)
- FIDE Title Regulations effective from 1 July 2014 till 30 June 2017, FIDE Handbook
- FIDE Title Regulations effective from 1 July 2017 till 31 December 2021, FIDE Handbook
- Table for Direct Titles effective from 1 July 2017 till 31 December 2023, FIDE Handbook
- FIDE Title Regulations effective from 1 January 2022 till 31 December 2022, FIDE Handbook
- FIDE Title Regulations effective from 1 January 2023 till 31 December 2023, FIDE Handbook
- Table for Direct Titles effective from 1 January 2024, FIDE Handbook
- FIDE Title Regulations effective from 1 January 2024, FIDE Handbook
Last updated March 24, 2025.