1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5
5. Nf3 Nc6 6. dxc5 d4
7. Na4 b5 8. cxb6 axb6
9. e3 Bb4+ 10. Bd2 Qe7
11. Bb5 Bd7
12. O-O Bxd2
13. Qxd2 dxe3 14. fxe3 Ra5
15. Bxc6 Bxc6 16. Nxb6 Rb5
17. Qd4 Qf6 18. Rac1 Ne7
19. Nc4 O-O
20. Qxf6 gxf6 21. Nd4 Rg5
22. Nxc6 Nxc6 23. Rxf6 Nb4
24. Nd6 Nxa2 25. Rc7 Rg7
26. Nf5 Rg5 27. Nh6+ Kg7
28. Rfxf7+ Rxf7
29. Nxf7 Rd5 30. Nd6+ Kg6
31. Rc6 Kg7 32. Rb6 Nc1
33. b4 Rd2 34. Nf5+ Kf7
35. Nd4 Nd3 36. g3 Ne5
37. b5 Ng4 38. Rb7+ Kg6
39. Rb6+ Kf7 40. Rb7+ Kg6
41. Rb6+ Kf7 42. Nf5 Nxh2
43. Rh6 Nf3+ 44. Kf1 Nh2+
45. Ke1 Nf3+ 46. Kf1 Nh2+
47. Kg1 Nf3+ 48. Kh1 Rb2
49. b6 Ng5 50. b7 Rxb7 5
1. Nd6+ Kg7
52. Rxh7+ Nxh7
53. Nxb7 54. Kg1 and 54. Nc5 are the only moves that win (Nalimov tablebases). 54... Ke5? 54... Kf5 and 54... Ng5 are the only moves that draw. (Only move.) Mutual zugzwang: with White to move, the position is drawn with best play. Mutual zugzwang. 59. Nd3 59... Nd2= 60. e5 Kf5 61. Kh3 Ke6 62. Nc5+ Kxe5 63. Kg4 Kf6 64. Kf4 Kg6 65. g4 Nc4 66. Ne4 Nb6 67. Ke5 Nd7+ 68. Ke6 Nc5+ 69. Ke5 Nd7+ 70. Ke6 Nc5+ 71. Kd5 1/2-1/2 Event information: Tournament report. |