Irish New Year IM Norm Event 1 2020

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Openings | Annotations | Sources ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

Irish New Year IM Norm Event 1 2020
Dates January 2-6, 2020
City Dublin
Venue Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan
Chief Arbiter Ivan Baburin
Chief Organiser John McMorrow
Players participating 10
Games played 45
Competition format All-play-all
Tie break None
Time control Ninety minutes for all moves with a 30 second increment per move
FIDE rated? Yes (tournament ID 230583)
Games available All 44
Video Irish New Year Chess Festival 2020 Prize Winners (10m., 20s.), Irish Chess Union Facebook page, January 10, 2020
Concurrent events
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

None available.

Interesting games

         Ahlander, Björn – Kanyamarala, Tarun      ½-½

         Baker, Chris W. – Delaney, Killian      0-1

         Hammar, Bengt – Waters, Michael      0-1

         Venkatesan, Kavin – O'Donnell, Conor      1-0

         Baker, Chris W. – Kanyamarala, Tarun      1-0

         Kanyamarala, Tarun – Delaney, Killian      ½-½

         Mannion, Stephen R. – Ahlander, Björn      ½-½

         Baker, Chris W. – Ahlander, Björn      ½-½

         Waters, Michael – Melaugh, Shane      0-1