Irish Championship 2003

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Openings ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

Irish Championship 2003
Dates July 5-13, 2003
Town Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Venue Charlesland Golf and Country Club
Controller Michael Crowe
Players participating 18
Games played 78
Competition format 9-round Swiss
Eligibility Rating 1900+
Tie break Not explicitly stated but probably the same as the 1996 rules: two players tieing for first would share the title, but with three or more the title would be decided by (unspecified form of) tie-break.
Time control Unknown
FIDE rated? Yes (ID 25290)
Games available 35 (including 3 probably incomplete).
Missing data Remaining games
Concurrent events
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

“The 2003 Irish Championships was won by Stephen Brady on an impressive 8/9. This is his fourth Irish title [91-92-01 being the others] and his 2nd in three years. Leading from an early stage he was rarely in trouble and aside from draws with the number one and two seeds he won all his games with a good combination of experience and determination. He was a popular and most deserved winner too as he is one of the most active players in Ireland. He now has an automatic place on the Irish Olympiad team in 2004, but it remains to be seen if he accepts this place. He declined such an offer in 2002 and has preferred to play in other international events instead, narrowly missing an IM norm earlier this year in an open in Italy.”

—Ian Doyle, TWIC 453.

Interesting games

         Kennedy, John P. A. – Short, Philip      0-1

         Keogh, Eamon – Brady, Stephen      0-1

         Orr, Mark J. L. – O'Connell, Gerard      ½-½

         Daly, Colm – Short, Philip      1-0

         Jeffares, Simon – Daly, Colm      1-0